I decided to go with a Cowboy Cookie (Chocolate Chip Cookies with Oatmeal- Supper Yummy!) theme because I thought they were cute & my family loves them. I decided to give each kid 3 cookies that they need to keep on their chart each day. Cookies can be taken away for bad behavior, and cookies can be kept or earned back for good behavior. When a kid ends up with no cookies on their place-mat then they will loose some privileges: TV, computer time, etc. When they keep all of their cookies they will get a reward each night- maybe 5 extra minutes on the computer, an extra story at bedtime, to have their nails painted... Then when they keep all of their cookies on for a week we can make Cowboy Cookies as a family on Saturday. My kids are going to love it!
You can change this up however you'd like for your family. Maybe your kids would rather have pizzas up there or ice cream cones. You could even do pictures of ducks or animals and have the reward be a trip to the zoo or a local park to feed the ducks and play. Use your imagination. Have fun with it & involve your kiddos in the process. They love that!!!
To make it, I just printed off 12 cookies using free clip art that I found on-line. Then I used contact paper to laminate the cookies. You probably don't want to skip this step because it will help the cookies hold up when you take them off & put them back on again. Next, I used sticky Velcro to attach the cookies to the place-mat. Then I decided to attach the place-mats to a posterboard so that I could keep them all together neatly and Viola. Bring on the cookies!

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